Is Alcoholism a Disease

Maybe, you are still curious about is alcoholism a disease or not. If so, you don’t need to be confused. What you need to know is people who have alcohol addiction are a kind of chronic disorder and it may destroy their lives or people who live with them. According to the research, alcoholism is relating to mental health, physical health, and also emotional health. It is because DSM classifies alcoholism as a psychiatric disorder.

Is Alcoholism Need a Treatment?

Is Alcoholism a Disease

I believe that most of you want to know more about is alcoholism need treatment or not like drug and alcohol rehab. Unfortunately, alcohol addiction or alcoholism strikes both men and also women; young and old. The trend to drink alcohol becomes popular in the country, especially in the bigger country. Although alcohol can create serious diseases and health problems, most people still consume it.

If you are alcoholism and alcohol addiction, you need to think twice consume them frequently. You need to do treatment if you are a person who is unable to stop drinking alcohol. If you are not doing the treatment, it will give you bad consequences and it can easier impact your health problems. Thus, indirectly alcohol can affect your life.

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Can I Get a Comorbid Diagnosis?

After you know about is alcoholism a disease or not, you need to know more about the comorbid diagnosis. Comorbid diagnosis means that when people have an alcohol addiction and they also have a mental disease or health like depression, bipolar, and others. According to the research, sometimes alcoholism can also diagnose as anxiety disorder, bipolar, and so on. It is because most of them consume alcohol because of their disease or mental health disease.

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Is Alcoholism a Disease

You need to find a special doctor to give you the best recommendation. After you know is alcoholism a disease, you need to receive the best treatment to get your physical and mental health again. Most of the doctors will ask you to reduce your alcohol every time and replace it with an effective medical and intervention.

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Those are the information you need to understand relating to alcoholism or not. After you know it well, I suggest you reduce your alcohol consumption to make your physical health and change your life better. After you know it, make sure if you find people who get a comorbid diagnosis or maybe alcoholism, make sure you give them the recommendation to do a treatment.

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