
Drug And Alcohol Detox Is The First Stage Of Your Journey To Recovery


Detoxification in Alcohol and Drug Rehabilitation

Detoxification, often referred to as "detox," plays a pivotal role in the initial stages of alcohol and drug rehabilitation. It is a medically supervised process that helps individuals safely withdraw from addictive substances, cleanse their bodies of toxins, and lay the foundation for a successful recovery journey.

Drug Detox And Withdrawal

Drug detox is the first stage of your journey to recovery. This process is necessary to get your mind and body ready

Which Drugs May Require Detox Medication?

If you have a prescription, make sure you bring it along with you to treatment, When the psychiatrist goes through your medical assessment

Managing Withdrawal Symptoms

We have helped countless people to overcome their addictions. Our tranquil clinic has been designed to be soothing and welcoming

Common Withdrawal Symptoms

If you’re considering going through detox, we can help you understand some of what to expect. While the effects of most drugs vary significantly

Drug Detox And Withdrawal

Detoxification is the first stage of your journey to recovery. This process is necessary to get your mind and body ready, so the therapy you undergo in rehab can be most effective. If you’re concerned that your drug use is out of control, this may be the bit that puts you off the most. Withdrawal symptoms can be managed effectively with the right care and support. Our medical team will help you through the process day by day.

If the thought of quitting has crossed your mind at all, you should feel incredibly proud. It takes great strength to see through the fog of addiction.

This illness is all-consuming and tries hard to keep you within its grasp. At Phoenix Rehab Bali, we can help you get through the withdrawal symptoms with the minimum amount of stress or discomfort. Plus, with 24-hour support from a team of medical professionals, we make sure you’re safe and looked after at all times.

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Managing Withdrawal Symptoms

We have helped countless people to overcome their addictions. Our tranquil clinic has been designed to be soothing and welcoming, and its luxurious surroundings help to minimize stress. If you’ve been suffering from this illness, you’ve likely been through turmoil in recent months or years. We aid you in getting back on track to feeling positive and driven. Our main priority when you first come through the door is to help you detox as comfortably and safely as possible.

In some cases, depending on which drugs you’ve been taking and how long you’ve been taking them, you’ll be prescribed a medication-assisted detox. During medical detox, you’re given medication that helps to ease withdrawal symptoms such as anxiety, stress, aching muscles or muscle spasms. These sorts of symptoms can be significantly reduced by using detox medication.

If, at any time, you feel like you can’t cope with how you feel — or you ever need someone to talk to who understands — our team can provide advice and guidance and, most importantly, help you to take control over your health. Homelife can become stressed during these times, so stepping out of that and into a space full of love and support can be the best way to help you to get through your withdrawal symptoms.

Which Drugs May Required Detox Medication?

When it comes to addiction, you can’t say that one is worse than another because everyone’s experience is so different. With some drugs, however, prolonged use causes your body to adapt to having them in your system. As the body adapts, taking these drugs starts to feel as if it’s simply maintaining normal functions, and getting high becomes secondary. As such, you need more and more of the same substance to achieve the desired effects. This is called tolerance.

The process whereby your body becomes reliant on having the substance is known as a physical addiction. If you’ve been taking opiates, alcohol or benzodiazepines regularly over a prolonged amount of time, suddenly stopping them is dangerous. Your body goes into a state similar to shock, which can be a strong motivator for you to keep using drugs or alcohol.

If you’ve been taking any of these drugs, there’s no need to feel afraid — physical addiction is reversible. With guidance from a team of experts, you can regain control and clear your body of these toxins. Our team administers medication that takes the edge off the unpleasant symptoms. Sometimes, the medication we give you emulates the effects of the drugs you’ve been taking and other times; it counteracts them. 


In such cases, people are taking more than one drug or using a combination of drugs and alcohol. If this is the case, there’s no need to try to hide it or feel ashamed. The more open you are about the reality of what’s happening, the better chance you have of getting better. The psychiatrist who carries out your initial assessment will assess what you’re currently taking and devise a treatment plan that takes every one of your unique needs into consideration.


If you have a prescription, make sure you bring it along with you to treatment. When the psychiatrist goes through your medical assessment, he’ll take into account any medication you’re currently taking and determine if it’s okay to take alongside detox medication. Don’t worry if you can’t continue taking it — our team of doctors, nurses and support staff has your best interests at heart. We know the best ways to help you move forward mentally and physically.

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Common Withdrawal Symptoms

If you’re considering going through detox, we can help you understand some of what to expect. While the effects of most drugs vary significantly, the mechanism of addiction seems to be quite similar within the two major subgroups of drugs, stimulants and depressants. As such, withdrawal symptoms within these groups tend to share similarities.

Stimulants such as cocaine, amphetamines and methamphetamine act directly on your reward pathways and cause intense cravings, paranoia and muscle tension. Central nervous system depressants such as opioids, alcohol and benzos cause anxiety, insomnia, palpitations and stomach cramps. Still, everyone experiences withdrawal differently, and you’re not necessarily going to experience all of the symptoms listed below.


If you’re trying to cope alone, physical withdrawal symptoms can seem as if they’re too much to go through to reach sobriety. The support of our team of addiction specialists can help you look further into the future. Everyone has dreams and plans, and addiction is usually a setback. With the right care, and in some cases, medication, you can get through the physical withdrawal symptoms with minimal discomfort.

Long-term use of opiates, benzodiazepines and alcohol can cause intense withdrawal symptoms when you quit. If you’ve ever gone a while without your drug of choice, you may have experienced this and not see a way out. Help is at hand — with detox medication, we can help you to relax. If you’re staying with us and you’re struggling to sleep or feeling particularly anxious, you can speak to your care team, who will consult with the doctors to ensure you’re comfortable as possible.

  • Diarrhoea
  • Shaking
  • Insomnia
  • Headaches
  • Dizziness
  • Difficulty breathing
  • Nausea
  • Sickness
  • Muscle tension
  • Twitching
  • Aching joints and muscles
  • Sweating
    Skin crawling sensation


Psychological withdrawal symptoms occur with all drugs and can be very intense. We encourage you to speak out about how you feel. The more you internalise these feelings and urges, the more likely you are to act on them. We use the 12-step framework in our daily group therapy meetings, and you’ll see how effective open communication between peers can be. We take you through a myriad of therapies, with a strong focus on resisting cravings and dealing with your emotions.

The reward pathways in your brain are believed to play a role in addiction. The more drugs you use, the more your natural supplies are depleted. This causes cravings and a loss of interest in things you once enjoyed. Some of the psychological symptoms we can minimize include:

  • Anxiety
  • Restlessness
  • Irritability
  • Social isolation
  • Lack of appetite
  • Poor concentration
  • Memory loss
  • Loss of interest in things that were once enjoyable

Take the First Step Toward Renewed Health

Start Your Detoxification Journey Today!

Embark on your path to revitalized well-being with our detoxification program. Reclaim your health and vitality by detoxifying your body from harmful toxins. Start your journey towards a healthier you now!

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