Transition Program
Our Transition Program in Drug Rehabilitation is a beacon of hope and transformation for individuals seeking to break free from the shackles of addiction. This innovative and compassionate program serves as a vital bridge between the challenging journey of recovery and the promising path to a brighter future.
Transition Program
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Phoenix Rehab Bali
Why is this Transition Program Important?
The transition program is a program that is very helpful for those who have finished the rehabilitation program and still want to continue the program, to be more able to interact and be aware of the new reality, which for some people may be very difficult to do considering there are so many factors that can tempt them and make them fall again. to old habits (drunk). The Transition Program is also highly recommended for clients who still face a lot of self-conflict and also conflict at home, whether it is family conflict, thoughts that are still confused, worried about the environment around the house, cannot stand environmental pressure and other people’s bad perceptions of themselves, and also if there is still a feeling of fear of change.
Dalam program transisi, kami memberikan kesempatan kepada klien untuk melatih diri, membangun kepercayaan diri, memiliki keberanian untuk berkembang, komunikatif, menghargai perjalanan pemulihan, menghargai diri sendiri dan orang lain, serta melihat sisi baik dari pandangan orang lain terhadap diri kita.
Transition Program
In the transition program, we provide opportunities for clients to train themselves, build self-confidence, have the courage to develop, be communicative, appreciate the recovery journey, respect themselves and others and also see the good side of other people’s views of us. The Transition Program helps clients to find positive patterns in each of their thoughts and helps them find answers to their own problems. Training ourselves to be more alert, determining life priorities, and helping clients look forward to a better future is our goal in developing this Transition program. There is nothing difficult if the client trains to be open-minded and ready to accept reality. Nothing is impossible if the client knows how to place himself in his daily role. The Transition Program also collaborates with several expert staff in handling cases that clients feel are very difficult.
This is necessary so that we can provide access for clients to find the right place and the right people to talk about the problems, challenges and struggles they face. The benefits of this Transition Program can be felt by clients at the beginning when they access this program, how could it not be? Trust, feeling valued and the freedom to determine your own activities are things that really build motivation to stay clean and also feel loved.
With this transition program, clients will have the opportunity to go through new life challenges by not using alcohol or drugs anymore, supported by daily evaluations with staff, counseling, and also education that opens up insight for clients to be more motivated in living their days.
The Transition House is a temporary home for equipping and preparing oneself to face the true realities of life… because in the end… everyone will return to their respective activities, but what makes the difference is… a better quality of awareness in facing and appreciating life. For the period of stay in the Transition program, we do not give a time limit during which the client will continue to develop himself in this program, although every month we will always evaluate his physical, mental, emotional and spiritual development. At the end of each month we will always ask the client and family about the client’s level of readiness to be completely outside or go home. It is always the client’s decision to make and we are fully aware of this.