Family education and aftercare programs

Our Family Education and Aftercare Programs raises the standards of education and experience for those families impacted by a loved one’s addiction. The program addresses and provides education and support to clients and family members in recovery.

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Our Qualified and Experienced team of Addiction experts walk this road of recovery with the individual.

By listening to and truly hearing the individual, we identify underlying issues and are then able to meet them where they are and help determine what is best for each individual based on their specific needs.

We also work closely with the individual’s family as well, which has oftentimes been devastated by their loved one’s disease. We offer comprehensive, individualized recovery coaching for both men and women.

A unique recovery plan is completed with each individual and family based on their specific needs

Family Education Aftercare Programs

Phoenix Rehab Bali

Tailor-Made Recovery

We Tailor your Treatment to your exact needs.

Our Family Education and Aftercare Programme raises the standards of education and experience for those families impacted by a loved one’s addiction. The program addresses and provides education and support to clients and family members in recovery.

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Family Education And Aftercare Programs

The program brings the families of those impacted by addiction together for the purpose of education and fellowship. Statistically, it is known that individuals suffering from the disease of addiction suffer fewer relapses when their families have experienced.

The program helps to prevent relapse and give families the opportunity to learn how to communicate and support their loved ones rather than enable the disease.

The Family Education and Aftercare Programme consists of 8 workshops, as follows:

  • Disease Model of Addiction
  • Progression of Addiction
  • Impact of Families
  • Enabling vs Supportive Behavior
  • Relapse Prevention Strategies
  • Healthy Communication
  • Healthy Boundaries
  • Roles in the Family
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Coordinating Care
Martin Laurens
Craig Black
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